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Welcome To Congregation Keneseth Israel

Conversations that matter


Worship at Keneseth Israel is joyful and spiritual, a respite from the everyday. Whether you are seeking solace, looking for prayer within community or searching for new ways of expressing Judaism, our beautiful sanctuary is there. Come discover how you can feel closer to God, community and the greater spiritual life around us.

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Tikkun Olam

Tikkun Olam is the breath of life at Keneseth Israel. Whether you’re driven to feed, clothe and comfort, or to further the cause of justice in our community and the world, you will find ways that KI can support the work of your hands and heart. Come learn about what we are doing in Allentown, the Lehigh Valley and the world.

KI is a URJ Brit Olam Congregation

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Keneseth Israel does not believe that learning is reserved for the young alone. We have a thriving, innovative Religious School, but equally important, we offer a range of classes,study sessions, lectures and cultural activities that meet the needs of our adults. Ranging from Torah to Social Justice, music, arts and film to the study of Mussar and current topics, KI can help expand the minds of all who wish to participate.

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Recent Events

Chairs on the Stairs




*NOTE: Click the white circles above to scroll through the albums, then click on the center photo to view the gallery! 

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Upcoming Events

Stay connected with Keneseth Israel as we transform the way people experience Jewish life.

SaturdaySat, 27 JulJuly, 2024

Progressive Dinner

Shabbat, Jul 27th 7:00p to 10:30p


SundaySun, 25 AugAugust, 2024

Welcome Back BBQ

Sunday, Aug 25th 5:00p to 7:00p


SaturdaySat, 14 SepSeptember, 2024
SundaySun, 15 SepSeptember, 2024

Blood Drive

Sunday, Sep 15th 9:00a to 1:00p


SundaySun, 29 SepSeptember, 2024

10th Annual Harvest 5K

Sunday, Sep 29th 11:00a to 1:00p






Giving to Keneseth Israel


Since 1903, Keneseth Israel has been a vibrant and flourishing center of Jewish communal life in Allentown. Known for social action initiatives, beautiful music, learning opportunities for all ages and a warm, "haimish" atmosphere, KI is your place to be Jewish. You are not a number or a generic "family unit;" each person, each family is known and your membership is personal. Please consider making a donation so we can continue our mission well into the future. Thank you.





Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784