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Women of KI Memorial Plaques

The Women of Keneseth Israel (formerly Sisterhood) invite you to honor the memory of your loved one on a Memorial Plaque displayed in our sanctuary. A memorial light will be lit on the anniversary of his or her death, regardless if family members are still current congregants or in the area. Your loved one’s name will be included in our annual Yom Kippur Book of Remembrance under our list of permanent memorials.


Please note that neither you nor your loved one need to be Jewish or a member of Keneseth Israel to have a plaque installed.


The cost for a plaque is $300. For questions or further information, please contact Lynne Shampain via this form.


To purchase a plaque, please complete the form below.  At the bottom of the form, you can see how to pay online via PayPal or submit a check made payable to:


Women of KI

c/o Congregation Keneseth Israel

2227 W Chew Street

Allentown, PA 18104


*Please include “Memorial Plaque” on the memo portion of the check and on the envelope


Thank you for purchasing a Memorial Plaque to honor your loved one. 


Please fill out the information below and follow the directions so that we can gather the necessary information to complete your purchase.


Thank you for purchasing a Memorial Plaque to honor your loved one.  Please fill out the information below and follow the directions so that we can gather the necessary information to complete your purchase.

Purchaser Information

Information for the Plaque

NOTE: If you need help calculating the Jewish/Hebrew date, you can use the converter HERE.
NOTE: After completing your donation, please be sure to return to this form and click submit so that we will have your information.  Thank you!

CLICK HERE to make your donation via Paypal (will open a new tab).


Scan the QR code with your phone or, on mobile, click it:


Fri, February 7 2025 9 Shevat 5785