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Ongoing Studies

Shabbat Friends

Do you feel awkward going to services or joining in the oneg if you are coming alone? This spirited group of people decided the best way to combat these feelings is to make new friends. Every month they meet at a designated restaurant, enjoy dinner together and then come to services and oneg as a group. This could not be a friendlier and more welcoming way to start Shabbat at KI!

Meeting time: Fourth Fridays, 5:30 pm; Restaurants decided mid month.

Questions and details? Call Barbara Cohen at 610-730-8399 or Jane Much at 610-434-4767

Jewish Studies

This is an engaging, friendly way to study various Jewish topics and have a lively conversation about their relevance in todays life. Each half year the topic changes, but it is always thought provoking and entertaining!

This dedicated group meets every Thursday morning from mid September through the end of June to discuss anything from Torah to Psalms to current topics. The topic is chosen at the beginning of the year, which usually falls right after the Jewish holidays. Please come join them.

Rabbi prepares for the class with handouts and discussion topics, and it goes from there. The conversation is exciting, participatory and relevant to what is happening in real time. Often, the class will digress if something important is happening either here in the US or around the world that affects Jews, speaks to our values or just merits attention.

The group is warm and welcoming and loves new participants!

Meeting time: Thursday mornings, 10:30 am - Noon

Questions? Call the office at 610-435-9074

Fri, February 7 2025 9 Shevat 5785