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Rabbi Shoshanah's Blog

06/04/2024 12:47:41 PM


Rabbi Shoshanah

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Can There Be a Do-Over (Parashat Behar)

06/01/2024 12:47:28 PM


Rabbi Shoshanah



Sermon for May 24, 2024 - Shabbat Behar

Neighbors: Netiv Ha-Asara

05/17/2024 01:43:27 PM


Rabbi Shoshanah



Hope in Numbers: Seeing the Data in Ramallah

05/17/2024 12:46:43 PM


Rabbi Shoshanah


Kalaniot Tamid (Forever Anemones) - Nova Music Festival Site

05/14/2024 01:58:48 PM


Rabbi Shoshanah

In the days before I left for Israel, I began, in my sketchbook, to try my hand at drawing anemones. These red flowers are the national flower of Israel, but also represent the land and its people. The Hebrew word for this kind of flower is kalanit (kalaniot is plural).

It represents hope, resilience, and beauty.

​I was struck by the many works of art I have seen online since Oct. 7 featuring...Read more...

Yehudah and Ibrahim

05/13/2024 01:57:39 PM


Rabbi Shoshanah



boulder at the head of the roadway placed there by settlers trying to block Palestinian access to the village.


Hope in Strange Bedfellows

05/12/2024 01:56:19 PM


Rabbi Shoshanah

Picture Meital Bonchek  

Hope in Strange Bedfellows

05/12/2024 12:35:02 PM


Rabbi Shoshanah


The Transformation of Duty: From the IDF to Protest to Civil Service (Ahim LaNeshek - Brothers and Sisters in Arms)

05/11/2024 12:26:20 PM


Rabbi Shoshanah


Ronen Koehler meets with our group of rabbis at the Brothers and Sisters in Arms Civilian Headquarters near Tel Aviv.

On May 7 we visited with Ronen Koehler of Brothers and Sisters in Arms in G'lilot.[1] Ronen shared with us the germination of his organization. Like many Israelis, Koehler served in the IDF. Koehler has...Read more...

Khirbat Zenuta: Pictures from the Moral Front

05/10/2024 12:20:45 PM


Rabbi Shoshanah



silken, purple party frock discarded by the wayside on the footpath up to the decimated village of Chirbat Zenuta. This road and the village site are within sight of the nearby, brand-new illegal outpost on the neighboring...Read more...

Prophecy and Protest

05/08/2024 02:46:21 PM


Rabbi Shoshanah

​Yesterday was May 6. Yom HaShoah here in Israel. Perhaps it is fitting that my day should have been so full of stories. Stories are how we make meaning against the inevitability of time and tide’s cruel passings. It dwells in the same place as memory. And, both kept me wakeful in the short night.

I had so much swimming through my head as waves crashed outside my window.
Yesterday afternoon we began the...

Note from Our President

05/06/2024 12:31:29 PM


Eric Rappaport

As we remember the devastating effects of the Holocaust today, Yom HaShoah, I hope that you and your loved ones find peace and togetherness.

I am pleased to inform you that Rabbi Shoshanah Tornberg has safely arrived in Israel. Her journey was filled with challenges due to multiple flight cancelations, but she persevered and has now reached the Promised Land.

Rabbi, along with a group of American...

Whiplash (title courtesy of Rabbi Jenna Shaw)

05/06/2024 11:58:13 AM


Rabbi Shoshanah


I finally arrived at my hotel twenty hours after departing Allentown. So grateful,  but so tired. The trip organizers were able to upgrade our hotel…I can only think it's because hotels have fewer guests right now…I was not expecting to see and experience beauty and  pleasure on this trip, but travel sometimes yields its unasked-for jewels. When I entered my room for the evening (really,...Read more...


05/04/2024 10:29:06 AM


I found the most amazing travel agent, Shiri. She helped me get a United flight to Paris tonight, a connecting flight on El Al later tomorrow, with ETA in Tel Aviv 12:10am on May 6 (Israel time).

I am glad to be in transit as I sit at my gate in Newark. I am grateful for all the help, flexibility, generosity, and creativity that went into making sure I could begin this journey. It's been strange to...Read more...

Preparing to Travel

05/03/2024 12:17:36 PM


I am only a few days away from travel, and I am getting more and more nervous and excited. I am of course nervous about safety and flight arrangements and the like, and I am excited about the ways in which travel opens one's world. But, I am also nervous about bringing the fullness of myself and my moral compass to the task of listening.

Can I remain quiet long enough to learn more than what is encompassed by the edifice of my...Read more...


05/03/2024 10:28:03 AM


Today I learned that, for the second time in a week, my flight home has been changed, and will likely change again . . . likely as far out as May 19, making my trip impossible to begin with. So, right now I am not sure if I am going to travel at all. 

I am safe. My family is safe. These things are indeed blessings.

I found a wonderful travel agent who is working on helping me. She has told me that the only airline...Read more...

Packing - The Baggage

05/02/2024 10:26:09 AM


Rabbi Shoshanah

As I turn my heart and my GPS to the east, I feel the gnawing, clawing, furious tug of our Jewish struggle here in the United States. I am saddened, fearful, proud, angry, confused, and profoundly concerned about what is happening on campuses around the US. It is hard to know what to think when there are so many conflicting reports on the nature of these...Read more...

Why Go Now?

05/02/2024 09:51:50 AM


Rabbi Shoshanah

We are all challenged to live fully and most impactfully in the time in which we live. We don’t get to pick that time or the duration of our lives, but we can aim to meet the crises and moral needs of our day with as much energy, spirit, and presence as we can. And, if we are lucky enough to be a leader, we can devote these qualities to witnessing and communicating these moral needs to others.

People have spoken...


05/01/2024 11:21:04 AM




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Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784